All the Great Trusts

"Branded shoes these days are costly." "That iphone costs a kidney." "Designer brands are extremely expensive."

Do any of these sound familiar to you? I'd say no doubt about that for most if not all of you. Quite strangely, as long as you have the cash despite knowing you're financially tight, people somehow do everything they possibly can to get their hands on them. One can rant all day and night yet still find a reason to have it.

Please don't misconstrue it, there is nothing absolutely unruly in obtaining ownership on any of these. But what I like to point out here is what is it that money can never buy? While it's true that buying these would help craft a smile on one's face but how long will it last and how far would we go in securing these materials?

Love and happiness - these are the usual answers we'd get and it's nowhere near untrue.

As I walk further in life, I realise that trust is something I've always found myself yearning for. Often at times when unfavourable occurrences take place, trust somehow happens to be the missing piece. Friends or those you love most can promise you the moon and stars but can you take their word for it? The end emotions after a failed promise are unbearable. I've been there - twice it happened, twice it hurt to the core. The last one hurts the most. Devastated, I was and still am but I only have myself to blame. 

Whatever it is, if I look at it in totality - hope, patience, peace, happiness, and trust - these essentially stem from Love. With no love at sight, I can't have any of them what more trust from people whom I love. Pragmatically speaking, we don't love enough to be able to demonstrate any of these. Otherwise, why isn't the world at peace? Only with Love manifesting in us, can we effortlessly spread all these to those around us not just to our own. Unfortunately, the perception the world has of love is unbiblical, to say the least.

I don't believe for a second when anyone says, "you have patience, I have peace and she has happiness". There is no way we can achieve those mentioned with all the hate and unforgiveness going on within us. As many and I would say: "the absence of love is hate". Without love; distrust, unforgiveness, anger, arrogance, envy and among others will surely emerge. Indeed, the Love God has shown and demonstrated to us surpasses all understanding. It's not the ordinary love any mankind can exude easily.

I began to see the bigger picture and carefully decipher these occurrences when anyone treats me as such, much to my dismay, my beloved. The road ahead for me or for anyone facing this at all, I suppose, will not be smooth sailing. This guides me to put my complete trust in Him rather than in mankind. I don't know when I'll be able to gather the courage to say both "I am totally alright" and "I trust you" to people anymore but what I do know is that sooner or later I have to, probably the latter would consume far more time in my life. We weren't blessed with lips to just lament but to also rejoice. 

I pray that I'll be alright soon.

The Gracious Loser
