In Dilemma

Hello, friends from all over!

I have always been wanting to tell of my stories and my experience in life ever since I created this blog but it didn't materialise until today. I can safely say that this sad-state blog has been dead for 10 years now! I may be wrong but I definitely know for sure it's been long! 

Thanks to my lack of guts, this blog has seen no sign of any posts. Ever. 


I guess, what held me back was the fear of whether anyone would be interested to know how I feel plus of how people would view me should I share anything sensitive, sentimental and whatnot. As I sat here browsing through photos on social media, reading news of Indonesia's unforgiving gift of haze these past few weeks and allowing time to gently pass, I knew I had to write and share something. I just knew it.

I've always loved sharing and talking. It's true - my friends and associates think I'm long-winded. Thank you, God, for a mouth that moves faster than my brain!

To face my fears and be who I really am - do what I love doing whilst not compromising the Lord -  this is my ultimate goal. Now that I am old enough (you guess:P), I know I have much ahead of me for as long as God is my priority.

That's it. I'm doing this.

So should I be those typical bloggers who may say - stay tuned for more posts or watch this space?

Nah, maybe not. Read lah my story, okay? (Lah is a Malaysian suffix with no real meaning)
